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  發布日期:2019-01-11 閱讀次數:
姓  名 張健 出生年月 1979年12月
政治面貌   最高學位 博士
職  稱 教授 任職年月 2017年5月
職  務   任職年月  
所在學科 固體力學 博導/碩導 碩導

2017.05 - 至今, 菠菜担保平台官网,金山青年特聘教授


American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 雜志編委
International Association of Computational Mechanics 會員
The 9th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2018),International Scientific Advisory Committee and Director of MS-029 國際科學咨詢委員,分會場主席
The 8th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2017),International Scientific Advisory Committee and Director of MS-073 國際科學咨詢委員,分會場主席
Applied Mathematical Modelling, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Computational Mechanics, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design,Ocean Engineering, International Journal of Computational Methods, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering等國際雜志特邀審稿人

研究領域   1、代理模型、結構優化、損傷識别與結構健康監測

[01] 國家自然科學基金面上項目(11872190),"大型複雜結構模型修正與損傷識别的高效計算方法研究",主持 (2019.01-2022.12) 
[02] 江蘇省“六大人才高峰”高層次人才項目(2017-KTHY-010),"海洋高端裝備關鍵結構的健康監測技術",主持 (2017.12-2020.11) 
[03] 在役長大橋梁安全與健康國家重點實驗室開放基金課題,"勝利油田平台結構計算分析及監測優化研究",主持 (2017.10-2018.12) 
[04] 菠菜担保平台官网"金山青年特聘教授"科研啟動基金,計算智能方法及其工程力學應用研究,主持 (2017.05-2020.05)
[01] 新加坡國立大學SMI基金項目,"Advanced Computational Tools for Fast Analysis and Design of Ships against Vibration and Noise",主要完成人(2016.05-2017.04)
[02] 新加坡吉寶海事集團(Keppel Offshore & Marine Group)研究基金,"自升式/導管架式海洋平台結構極限強度分析與疲勞壽命預測研究",主持 (2013.08-2016.04)
[03] 新加坡國立大學M3TC基金項目,"Feasibility Studies of Underground Coal Mining in Indonesia",主要完成人 (2011.10-2013.06)
[04] 國家自然科學基金國際(地區)⏭➰交流項目(51110105002),"岩石沖擊斷裂過程無網格法研究",海外主持 (2011.09-2012.02)
[05] 新加坡科技局與港務局(A*STAR/MPA)基金項目,"Smart Sensing and System Identification for Offshore Structures",主要完成人 (2008.03-2011.09)


論文 (*表示通訊作者)
[01] J. Jiang, Jian Zhang*, J. Liu*, S.P. Chiew, C.K. Lee. Effect of welding and heat treatment on strength of high-strength steel columns. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 151 (2018): 238-252.
[02] Q. Wei, W. Wu, W. He, J.G. Zhu*, Jian Zhang*. 3D finite element simulation of shot peening using a sequential model with multiple-shot impacts. International Journal of Computational Methods 15 (2018): 1850137.
[03] Jian Zhang*, J. Jiang*, W. Shen*, Y. Luo. A novel framework for deriving the unified SCF in multi-planar overlapped tubular joints. Marine Structures 60 (2018): 72-86.
[04] X.M. Wang, C.G. Koh, Jian Zhang. Substructural identification of jack-up platform in time and frequency domains. Applied Ocean Research 44 (2014): 53-62.
[05] Jian Zhang, C.G. Koh, T.N. Trinh, X.M. Wang, Z. Zhang. Identification of jack-up spudcan fixity by an output-only substructural strategy. Marine Structures 29 (2012): 71-88.
[06] L. Chen, Jian Zhang*, K.Y. Zeng, P.G. Jiao. An edge-based smoothed finite element method for adaptive analysis. Structural Engineering and Mechanics 39 (2011): 767-793. (Cover Feature Article)
[07] L. Chen, G.R. Liu, K. Zeng, Jian Zhang. A novel variable power singular element in G space with strain smoothing for bi-material fracture analyses. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 35 (2011): 1303-1317.
[08] L. Chen, G.Y. Zhang, Jian Zhang*, T. Nguyen-Thoi, Q. Tang. An adaptive edge-based smoothed point interpolation method for mechanics problems. Internaltional Journal of Computer Mathematics 88 (2011): 2379-2402.
[09] L. Chen, G.R. Liu, Y. Jiang, K. Zeng, Jian Zhang. A singular edge-based smoothed finite element method (ES-FEM)for crack analyses in anisotropic media. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 78 (2011): 85-109.
[10] Z.J. Li, A.Q. Li, Jian Zhang. Effects of boundary conditions on modal parameters of the Run Yang Suspension Bridge. Smart Structures and Systems 6 (2010): 905-920.
[11] B. Deng, K.B.C. Tan, Y. Lu, K. Zaw, Jian Zhang, G.R. Liu, J.P. Geng. Inverse identification of elastic modulus of dental implant-bone interfacial tissue using neural network and FEA model. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 17 (2009): 1073-1083.
[12] Jian Zhang*, G.R. Liu, K.Y. Lam, H. Li, G. Xu. A gradient smoothing method (GSM) based on strong form governing equation for adaptive analysis of solid mechanics problems. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 44 (2008): 889-909.
[13] G.R. Liu, Jian Zhang, K.Y. Lam, H. Li, G. Xu, Z.H. Zhong, G.Y. Li, X. Han. A gradient smoothing method (GSM) with directional correction for solid mechanics problems. Computational Mechanics 41 (2008): 457-472.
[14] G.R. Liu, Jian Zhang, H. Li, K.Y. Lam, B.B.T. Kee. Radial point interpolation based finite difference method for mechanics problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 68 (2006): 728-754.
[15] K.Y. Lam, Jian Zhang, Z. Zong. A numerical study of wave propagation in a poroelastic medium by use of localized differential quadrature method. Applied Mathematical Modelling 28 (2004): 487-511.
[01] Jian Zhang*, X.M. Wang, C.G. Koh. Chapter 5: Parameter Identification and Damage Detection of Offshore Structural Systems. In: Offshore Mechatronics Systems Engineering (Ed., H.R. Karimi), pp. 91-132, CRC Press, July 2018.


2010年受邀收錄世界名人錄(Marquis Who's Who in the World, New Jersey, USA)


[01] 2018年8月, 中國計算力學大會暨國際華人計算力學大會(CCCM-ISCM 2018), 中國南京
[02] 2018年8月, 第九屆國際計算方法大會(ICCM 2018)特邀主題報告, 意大利羅馬
[03] 2018年8月, 第九屆國際計算方法大會(ICCM 2018)國際科學咨詢委員/分會場主席, 意大利羅馬
[04] 2018年5月, 亞洲結構與多學科優化大會(ACSMO 2018), 中國大連
[05] 2018年1月, 結構疲勞與斷裂理論及實驗技術國際學術會議(FFTE 2018), 中國海口
[06] 2017年8月, 中國力學大會(CCTAM 2017), 中國北京
[07] 2017年7月, 第八屆國際計算方法大會(ICCM 2017)特邀主題報告, 中國桂林
[08] 2017年7月, 第八屆國際計算方法大會(ICCM 2017)國際科學咨詢委員/第73分會場主席,中國桂林
[09] 2011年12月, 第14屆亞太振動學大會特邀主題論文, 中國香港
[10] 2011年6月, 國際結構健康監測與損傷評估會議特邀論文, 中國台北
[11] 2010年5月, 第四屆歐洲計算力學大會(ECCM 2010), 法國巴黎
[12] 2009年2月, 第二十七屆國際模态分析大會(IMAC XXVII), 美國奧蘭多
[13] 2007年4月, 第二屆國際計算方法大會(ICCM 2007), 日本廣島

聯系方式   電郵: jianzhang@ujs.edu.cn

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